Rainier AZA #1550

Rainier AZA 1550 is a BBYO chapter for the Seattle area, located in the evergreen region, where we strive to help Jewish teens connect to their identity and each other.

Become a Member

Beginning in 8th grade and anytime throughout high school, teens may join as members of BBYO. Membership through high school graduation is $249. This is a one-time membership, non-refundable fee paid when a teen joins an AZA, BBG or BBYO chapter.

Should the membership fee pose a hardship for any family, financial assistance will be available, as has always been our practice. We want to ensure that every Jewish teen, from all socio-economic backgrounds, can participate in BBYO. Additionally, scholarship will remain available for specific BBYO events as well as $3,000 vouchers for any Jewish teen who is interested in traveling to Israel on a BBYO Passport program.

Additionally if you would like to get more information or have any questions you can contact our regional president Dan Mezistrano with the number:

1(206) 900-4760

For more information on our region look at our regional page


Instagram is the primary source of information for our chapter region and BBYO in general.

On the chapter Instagram, we provide info on upcoming events and recaps after meetings.

On the regional Instagram, we provide info on more regional-focused and larger-scale events.

On the BBYO insider page, international representatives provide information not on our chapter specifically but on BBYO in general.


Merch is an integral part of our culture in BBYO. They are a great time capsule of the time that they were purchased to help support the chapter and are traditionally passed down when you depart from BBYO.

How can I buy merch

If you would like to purchase some of the following merch you can fill out the contact form below where you can state what you would like to purchase so it can be delivered to you at the soonest meeting where you can complete you're purchase. Remember to check back for new merch.

RAZA boys t-shirt white/black $20

Contact form

Meet The Board

Godol: Simon Joseph

Our chapter president, Simon Joseph, represents our chapter at regional and international events and supervises board members meetings and the chapter group chat.

S'gan: Aiden Hockinstein

Our Vice President oversees programming and Works with Sganim Network to foster co-chapter bonds through joint programming.

Moreh: Levi Mezistarno

Our Moreh is in charge of organizing chapter recruitment and retention.

Dover: John Waldblaum

Our Dover John Walblum is in charge of coordinating programs on Jewish holidays and education.

Shaliach: Avi Mezistrano

Our Shaliach is in charge of Planning chapter community service events and organizing meetings on social issues.

Mazkir:Oren Goldberg

Our Mazkir is in charge of posting on the chapter's social media to promote events and work on other social media endeavors such as this site.

Gizbor: Jacob Adess

Our chapter, Gizbor, oversees chapter finances and creates chapter merch.